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What is a Gecko? Clawless Gecko Fat tailed Gecko Sand-plain Gecko Kimberley Dtella
Gehyra koira Spotted Dtella Gehyra occidentalis Gehyra pilbara Gehyra punctata
Gehyra xenopus Asian House Gecko Bynoe’s Gecko Heteronotia planiceps Northern Knob-tailed Gecko
Fringe-toed Velvet Gecko Velvet Gecko Marbled Velvet Gecko Oedura obscura Zigzag Velvet Gecko
Western Giant Cave Gecko Beaked Gecko Northern Spiny-tailed Gecko Strophurus mcmillani Strophurus robinsoni
Strophurus taeniatus

What is a Gecko ?

Geckos are reptiles, reptiles are cold blooded, have scales and breath air. Geckos are small lizards, they are nocturnal and have large eyes. Some Geckos have special padded fingers and feet. This allows them to generate friction and run easily up vertical surface including windows and even ceilings. Geckos lay up to two eggs per clutch, with very hard shells.
Each gecko species has a call, this is uncommon amongst lizards. It is uncommon for a house in the Kimberley not to have at least one resident gecko!

FACT: Geckos do not blink, they use their tongues to clean their eyes.

FACT: Geckos can drop their tails and grow new ones.

Ref: Wilson, S. & Swan, G. “A Complete guide to reptiles of Australia.” New Holland Publishers.

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Kimberley Toad Busters

What is A gecko?

Key characteristics to look for when identifying species:

Fingers and toes
Claws or adhesive pads
Colour and pattern (spots or bands)
Rostral scale (tip of nose) and location of nostrils
Spines and shape/texture of scales
Snout Vent Length, length of body from tip of snout to base of tail, or ‘vent.’ A vent is the external opening of the cloaca. The cloaca is the chamber where the reproduction and excretory ducts open.

There are 25 species of geckos in the Kimberley. Nine species are found only in the Kimberley.

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Clawless Gecko
gecko 1

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Kimberley Toad Busters
Clawless Gecko
Crenadactylys ocellatus
Snout Vent Length: 3 - 3.5 cm
Distinguishing features: Lacks claws.
Very small with stripes running length
of body (lateral). Two Kimberley sub-species:
C. ocellatus rostralis rostral (scale at tip of nose) separated from nostrils.

C ocellatus naso has long low snout and nostrils touching rostal.
Habitat: Spinifex, secretive.
Distribution: C. ocellatus rostralis: southern Kimberley, WA and NT. C ocellatus naso: northern Kimberley and NT.
Ref: Wilson S. & Swan G. “A complete guide to Reptiles of Australia”
Fat tailed Gecko
Gecko 2

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Kimberley Toad Busters
Fat-tailed Gecko
Diplodactylus conspicillatus
Snout Vent Length: Up to 6.5 cm
Distinguishing features: Short and
Plump tail with rows of large scales.
Broad fingers and toes (digits), four times as long as width. Rostral scale (tip of nose) not connected to nostril.

Light brown to reddish brown, with dark pattern. Pale line between eye and nostril.
Habitat: Open arid areas, shelters in vertical holes, blocking entrance with tail.
Diet: Termites
Distribution: WA, NT, SA, QLD and NSW

Ref: Wilson S. & Swan G. “A complete guide to Reptiles of Australia” .
Sand-plain Gecko
Dragon 3

© Stuart MacDonald. Simpson Desert.

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Kimberley Toad Busters
Sand-plain Gecko
Lucasium stenodactylus
Snout Vent Length: Up to 5.7 cm
Distinguishing features: No claws.
Long slim digits, about seven times as
long as width. Rostral scale (tip of nose) usually not connected to nostril. Highly variable pattern, pinkish, reddish to orange brown,
with scattered white spots or a cream stripe along back with fork at neck.
Habitat: Widespread in arid to semi arid areas
Diet: Invertebrates
Distribution: WA, NT, QLD and NSW (vulnerable in NSW)

Ref: Wilson S. & Swan G. “A complete guide to Reptiles of Australia”
 Kimberley Dtella
Gecko 4

© Katrina Nissen

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Kimberley Toad Busters
Kimberley Dtella or Common House

Gehyra australis
Snout Vent Length: 8 cm
Distinguishing features: Claws,
attached to top of pads. Undivided scales under digits. Front of nose (rostral) scale has a flat edge.
Very pale, pink to almost white in colour with blotches and sometimes pale line down centre of back.
Habitat: Woodlands, rocky outcrops, buildings
Diet: Invertebrates
Distribution: Kimberley to northern NT and QLD.
Ref: Wilson S. & Swan G. “A complete guide to Reptiles of Australia”
Gehyra koira
gecko 5

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Kimberley Toad Busters
Gehyra koira
Snout Vent Length: Up to 9 cm
Distinguishing features: Claws,
attached to top of pads. Short back
(dorsally depressed) and robust.
Undivided scales under digits (10 to 14 under 4th toe). Two sub-species: G. koira koria and G. koria ispa, differences in number of scales between
eyes and pre anal pores. Brown dark brown and lighter dots across (transversely) body.
Habitat: Rock outcrops, esp. sandstone.
Diet: Invertebrates
Distribution: G. koira koria: ranges in Ord to Victoria River (NT) catchments. G. koira ispa: Bungle Bungles.
Ref: Wilson S. & Swan G. “A complete guide to Reptiles of Australia”
 Spotted Dtella
gecko 6


© Ray Lloyd, JCU. Townsville.

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Kimberley Toad Busters
Spotted Dtella
Gehyra nana
Snout Vent Length: Up to 5 cm
Distinguishing features: Claws,
attached to top of pads. Short back
(dorsally depressed). Divided scales (5-8 pairs) under 4th toe. Noticeable spotted pattern, with smaller pink/white dots and larger brown spots across

(transversely) body.
Habitat: Rock outcrops
Diet: Invertebrates
Distribution: Kimberley to NT and Cape York

Ref: Wilson S. & Swan G. “A complete guide to Reptiles of Australia”
Gehyra Occidentalis
gecko 7




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Kimberley Toad Busters
Gehyra occidentalis
Snout Vent Length: Up to 7 cm
Distinguishing features: Claws,
attached to top of pads. Divided
scales under digits. Brown in colour,
pattern of black spots and lighter spots across (transversely) body, can look like bands.
Habitat: Rocky outcrops and ranges, occasionally in trees
Diet: Invertebrates
Distribution: Mitchell Plateau to Napier Range.
Similar species: G. australis, G. koira and G. nana
Ref: Wilson S. & Swan G. “A complete guide to Reptiles of Australia”
Gehyra pilbara
gecko 8

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Kimberley Toad Busters
Gehyra pilbara
Snout Vent Length: Up to 5.5 cm
Distinguishing features: Claws,
attached to top of pads. Robust with
‘deeper’ head. Divided scales under digits. Brown to orange in colour, noticeable pattern of darker spots and lighter spots across (transversely)

body, can look like bands.
Habitat: Found in and around large termite mounds. Can occur in high densities.
Diet: Invertebrates
Distribution: Pilbara and southern Kimberly to central NT
Similar species: G. punctata.
Gehyra punctata
geko 9

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Kimberley Toad Busters
Gehyra punctata
Snout Vent Length: Up to 6.5 cm
Distinguishing features: Claws,
attached to top of pads. Divided
scales under digits (6-10 pairs under
4th toe). Yellowish brown to reddish brown, noticeable pattern of dark brown and white to yellowish spots across body.
Habitat: Rock outcrops and rocky hills.
Diet: Invertebrates
Distribution: Pilbara central WA and Kimberley
Similar species: G. pilbara and G. nana
Ref: Wilson S. & Swan G. “A complete guide to Reptiles of Australia”
Gehyra xenopus
gecko 10

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Kimberley Toad Busters
Gehyra xenopus
Snout Vent Length: Up to 8 cm
Distinguishing features: Claws,
attached to top of pads. Flat head,
large eyes and long snout. Divided
scales under digits. Dark to greyish brown, irregular rows of large spots across (transverse) body.
Habitat: Rocky sandstone outcrops, cliff faces and boulders
Diet: Invertebrates
Distribution: NW Kimberley and Islands
Ref: Wilson S. & Swan G. “A complete guide to Reptiles of Australia”
Asian House Gecko
gecko 11

© Di Anderson. East Kimberley

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Kimberley Toad Busters
Asian House or Barking Gecko
Hemidactylus frenatus
Snout Vent Length: Up to 6 cm
Distinguishing features: Flattened
body. Scales under digits broad,
most distal divided by a deep cleft along pad. Pale to dark grey, darker pattern can form streaks along body.
Call: Distinct loud; “chuck….chuck…..chuck….”
Habitat: Restricted virtually to human buildings. Often seen running across windows and ceilings.
Distribution: Introduced from Asia by freight to many locations across Australia.

Ref: Wilson S. & Swan G. “A complete guide to Reptiles of Australia”
Bynoe’s Gecko
geko 12

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Kimberley Toad Busters
Bynoe’s Gecko
Heteronotia binoei
Snout Vent Length: Up to 5.4 cm
Distinguishing features: Slender,
with long tail and bird like clawed
feet. Greyish brown or reddish brown to black. Irregular white and black spots, can appear as bands across (transverse) body.
Habitat: Dry open habitats
Diet: Invertebrates
Distribution: Most abundant reptile in arid areas
across Australia ( WA, NT, SA, QLD, NSW & Victoria)
Ref: Wilson S. & Swan G. “A complete guide to Reptiles of Australia”
Heteronotia planiceps
geko 13

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Kimberley Toad Busters
Heteronotia planiceps
Snout Vent Length: Up to 5 cm
Distinguishing features: Slender,
with long tail and bird like clawed
feet. Scales along back (dorsal)
are raised in rows along body. Yellowish to reddish brown, with 3 to 4 dark brown bands on body.
Noticeable dark brown stripe at back of head. Regenerated tails patternless.
Habitat: Rocky outcrops, likes crevices and caves

Diet: Invertebrates
Distribution: Kimberley to Groode Eylandt, discrete population in Pilbara
Ref: Wilson S. & Swan G. “A complete guide to Reptiles of Australia”
Northern Knob-tailed Gecko
gecko 14

© Dean Goodgame. East Kimberley.

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Kimberley Toad Busters
Northern Knob-tailed Gecko
Nephrurus shaei
Snout Vent Length: Up to12 cm
Distinguishing features: Tail
extremely short (knob). Body and
limbs covered with raised bumps of different colour. Brown with paler spots. Digits are banded.
Habitat: Escarpments and rocky ranges
Diet: Invertebrates
Distribution: Kimberley to Arnhem Land

Wilson S. & Swan G. “A complete guide to Reptiles of Australia”
Fringe-toed Velvet Gecko
gecko 15




© West Kimberley.

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Kimberley Toad Busters
Fringe-toed Velvet Gecko
Oedura filicipoda
Snout Vent Length: Up to12 cm
Distinguishing features: Scales
smooth and velvety in texture.
Expanded scales along each digit, fringe like. Dark brown with yellowish spots. Paler brown bands between neck and hips. Regenerated tales are
greenish yellow and brown.
Habitat: Sandstone caves and rock faces
Diet: Invertebrates
Distribution: Mitchell Plateau to Mt. Daglish, Kimberley.

Ref: Wilson S. & Swan G. “A complete guide to Reptiles of Australia”
Velvet Gecko
gecko 16

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Kimberley Toad Busters
Velvet Gecko
Oedura gracilis
Snout Vent Length: Up to 8.5 cm
Distinguishing features: Scales
smooth and velvety in texture.
Flat body and head with long round tail. Pinkish brown with 6 to 10 yellowish brown bands with darker edges
between neck and hips. Dark stripe from nose to ear and pale lips.
Habitat: Rocky outcrops, sandstone and granite
Diet: Invertebrates
Distribution: Mitchell Plateau to Mt. Nyalasy, Kimberley.

Ref: Wilson S. & Swan G. “A complete guide to Reptiles of Australia”
Marbled Velvet Gecko
gecko 17

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Kimberley Toad Busters
Marbled Velvet Gecko
Oedura marmorata
Snout Vent Length: Up to 11 cm
Distinguishing features: Scales
smooth and velvety in texture. Can
be banded or spotted. Purplish brown with 5 to 6 irregular bands, narrower and paler than interspaces, between neck and hips.
Habitat: Variety, woodlands to rocky outcrops
Diet: Invertebrates
Distribution: Pilbrara (WA), East Kimberley, NT, QLD, NSW, SA

Ref: Wilson S. & Swan G. “A complete guide to Reptiles of Australia”
Oedura obscura
dragons 18

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Kimberley Toad Busters
Velvet Gecko
Oedura obscura
Snout Vent Length: Up to 6.2 cm
Distinguishing features: Uniform
scales smooth and velvety in texture.
Slender with long round tail. Small white spots all over body. Yellowish brown to pinkish brown, dark brown bands
with broader paler interspaces between neck and tail. Regenerated tails have dark streaks.
Habitat: Rocky outcrops and ranges, likes crevices and hiding under slabs

Diet: Invertebrates
Distribution: North west Kimberley
Ref: Wilson S. & Swan G. “A complete guide to Reptiles of Australia”
Zigzag Velvet Gecko
gecko 19

© Stuart MacDonald. Gulf of Carpentaria.

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Kimberley Toad Busters
Zigzag Velvet Gecko
Oedura rhombifer
Snout Vent Length: Up to 7 cm
Distinguishing features: Uniform
scales smooth and velvety in texture.
Slender with long almost round tail. No webbing between 3rd and 4th toes. Pale or dark grey or brown with unbroken
pale zigzagging stripe down back from neck to tip of tail.
Habitat: Woodlands, likes hiding under bark. Can be found in buildings.
Diet: Invertebrates
Distribution: Kimberley, NT to QLD

Ref: Wilson S. & Swan G. “A complete guide to Reptiles of Australia”
Western Giant Cave Gecko
gecko 20

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Kimberley Toad Busters
Western Giant Cave Gecko
Psuedothecadactylus cavaticus
Snout Vent Length: Up to 11.5 cm
Distinguishing features: Tip of tail
has rough scales, used for grip on
Claws. Cream with many (14-18) brown dark edged bands on body and tail.
Habitat: Rocky outcrops. Lives in rock fissures and caves.
Diet: Invertebrates
Distribution: Mitchell Plateau, NW Kimberley.
Ref: Wilson S. & Swan G. “A complete guide to Reptiles of Australia”
Beaked Gecko
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Kimberley Toad Busters
Beaked Gecko
Rhynchoedura ornata
Snout Vent Length: Up to 5.4 cm
Distinguishing features: Short
pointed snout, like a bird beak. Long
tail. All digits have claws. Pale to dark reddish brown, with many different patterns of paler spots. Noticeable dark eye, with pale rim.
Habitat: Open semi arid to area areas. Can be found under debris and spider holes.
Diet: Invertebrates
Distribution: Across WA, NT, SA, QLD, NSW and Victoria
Ref: Wilson S. & Swan G. “A complete guide to Reptiles of Australia”
Northern Spiny-tailed Gecko
gecko 22

© James Adam.
S. cillaris

  © Brian Bush. S. cillaris cillaris

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Kimberley Toad Busters
Northern Spiny-tailed Gecko
Strophurus ciliaris
Snout Vent Length: Up to 8.9 cm
Distinguishing features: Two
noticeable rows of long spines along
top of tail. Variable in colour from pale and patternless to brown with white spots and orange blotches.
Two sub-species: S. ciliaris ciliaris has orange spikes on tail, other tail scales are flat, S. ciliaris aberrans has mostly black spikes on tail, tail scales are rounded.
Habitat: Woodlands, shrublands and spinifex deserts
Diet: Invertebrates
Distribution: S. ciliaris aberrans: WA and Broome/Derby. S. ciliaris ciliaris: Kimberley to NT, QLD, SA and NSW.Habitat: Rocky outcrops. Lives in rock fissures and caves.

Ref: Wilson S. & Swan G. “A complete guide to Reptiles of Australia”
Strophurus mcmillani
gecko 23



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Kimberley Toad Busters
Strophurus mcmillani
Snout Vent Length: Up to 5.3 cm
Distinguishing features: Robust.
Rostral scale (tip of nose) separated
from nostril. Pale green grey, patterned with yellowish brown stripes along body. No spines or raised scales.
Habitat: Spinifex growing on rocky sandstone outcrops
Diet: Invertebrates
Distribution: Mitchell Plateau, North west Kimberley

Ref: Wilson S. & Swan G. “A complete guide to Reptiles of Australia”
Strophurus robinsoni
gecko 24

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Kimberley Toad Busters
Strophurus robinsoni
Snout Vent Length: Up to 5.5 cm
Distinguishing features: Slender
with thin limbs. Rostral scale (tip of
nose) separated from nostril. Brownish grey with darker wavy thin lines down each side (flank). No spines or raised scales.
Habitat: Spinifex growing on rocky sandstone outcrops
Diet: Invertebrates
Distribution: Upper Keep River and Middle Ord River.

Ref: Wilson S. & Swan G. “A complete guide to Reptiles of Australia”

Strophurus taeniatus
gecko 25

© Stuart MacDonald.

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Kimberley Toad Busters
Strophurus taeniatus
Snout Vent Length: Up to 4.4 cm
Distinguishing features: Very
slender with thin limbs. Rostral scale
(tip of nose) separated from nostril. Grey to brown to yellow with sharp stripes along body. No spines or raised scales.
Habitat: Spinifex, especially on hard stony soils.
Diet: Invertebrates
Distribution: Broome to Mt Isa

Ref: Wilson S. & Swan G. “A complete guide to Reptiles of Australia”