Kimberley Toad Buster's

Media Release

The aim of this website is to document the Kimberley Toad Busters fight to stop the cane toad crossing into Western Australia and to provide the Western Australian Community some understanding of the enormous efforts (and contributions) that can be made by unpaid volunteers!
‘Rambo like’ cane toads hit WA!
‘Toads hit Rio'
Toads evolving response to human predation
“Cane Toads, TAP and where's the ‘green’ in Bob Brown?"
Cane toad volunteers fight back!

Queen MaryG KTB Patron ORIC photo

The Cane Toad is a Key Threatening Process to the Australian Nation
Declared by the Federal Government 12 April 2005.
KTB press release 55.

Cane toads are well and truly on their way to Broome-Next stop Perth.

With the recent discovery of a toad in Collie the writing is on the wall. Hitch hikers (or not) toads are definitely on their way to the southwest of W.A. 77 years since the toad was introduced in Queensland. 77 years of government and scientific ‘hype’ that toads do not ‘really’ impact on native biodiversity; that native species recover; that toad population numbers have reduced in Queensland? Floods have replaced years of drought and now the toad population numbers are not only exploding; there is every indication that toads may reach the SA desert areas including Lake Eyre

“Kimberley Toad Busters volunteer work in the field has definitely slowed the toad movement and helped to mitigate its impact on our Kimberley native wildlife but it has not stopped the cane toad’s relentless move forward. Only a biological solution to this problem will actually achieve this”. Lee Scott-Virtue .President & Founder of Kimberley Toad Busters.

“We can now see that our ‘community volunteer ’efforts do help. The onward movement of toads has slowed. The number of wildlife species found dead along the cane toad front line has certainly diminished. Cane Toad Breeding is now largely under control which means that we are beginning to see a reduced number of adult ‘frontline’ toads moving forward.

“Alarmingly, despite diligent work in the field by KTB to monitor the cane toad front lines, toads have managed to ‘sneak’ through and establish a toad population at Kingston’s Rest Station. This is only a short step to Halls Creek, Fitzroy and Derby.” John Cugley. KTB Administration Co-ordinator.
“While frontline 2010/2011 wet season movement of toads indicated that toads would reach El Questro, Doon Doon Station and Wyndham by the end of the wet season the discovery of toads at Kingston’s Rest are 2 months early of this prediction. This is an incredible indication of how much we, researchers and the government under-estimated the cane toad’s ability to adapt” and
move forward”. (Dean Goodgame Co- Founder of Kimberley Toad Busters).
“We urge governments to support community efforts in this fight but also to fund research that might find a biological solution to this problem. Without a biological solution we have no long term hope of stopping the advance of the Cane Toad. Community effort can help to assist in saving native biodiversity threat. KTB need help in finding a long term solution to the cane tod problem.
We, the government need to find a biological solution. ” (Lee Scott-Virtue; President/Founder of Kimberley Toad Busters).

Lee Scott-Virtue 08 91687080
Dean Goodgame 08 91687080
John Cugley 08 91682576
Ben Scott-Virtue 08 91682576