“Alarmingly, despite diligent work in the field by KTB to monitor the cane toad front lines, toads have managed to ‘sneak’ through and establish a toad population at Kingston’s Rest Station. This is only a short step to Halls Creek, Fitzroy and Derby.” John Cugley. KTB Administration Co-ordinator.
“While frontline 2010/2011 wet season movement of toads indicated that
toads would reach El Questro, Doon Doon Station and Wyndham by the end of
the wet season the discovery of toads at Kingston’s Rest are 2 months early of
this prediction. This is an incredible indication of how much we, researchers
and the government under-estimated the cane toad’s ability to adapt” and
move forward”. (Dean Goodgame Co- Founder of Kimberley Toad Busters).
“We urge governments to support community efforts in this fight but also to
fund research that might find a biological solution to this problem. Without a
biological solution we have no long term hope of stopping the advance of the
Cane Toad. Community effort can help to assist in saving native biodiversity
threat. KTB need help in finding a long term solution to the cane tod problem.
We, the government need to find a biological solution. ” (Lee Scott-Virtue;
President/Founder of Kimberley Toad Busters).
Lee Scott-Virtue 08 91687080
Dean Goodgame 08 91687080
John Cugley 08 91682576
Ben Scott-Virtue 08 91682576